Things that make me feel ugly

Picture this, I''m driving home from work and I come to a stop sign. I'm sitting there waiting for traffic to clear on the left and right so I can continue down the road I'm on. Then I look to my left and I see a car making a right turn. All of a sudden the car stops next mine and there's five black males sitting in the car smiling and trying to get my number. So I tell them to go away and I roll up my window.

This is California and a black women should feel lucky to capture the black man's attention but damn, if these guys are getting black women like that then we are living in extremely desparate times.

I wish the men that approach me would put that energy towards an education and a career. I'm so tired of pussy hounds.

~ by Shavonne on May 12, 2006.

3 Responses to “Things that make me feel ugly”

  1. You’re just a popular lady! 🙂

  2. I can see that. Know that it is not you–it’s just that some woman some where gave these men some attention and therefore they feel good enough to talk to any woman. You wish that all women would get on the same page so the riff raff would get a grip.

  3. I’m so with you on this one girl.

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